Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Home and New Life

Welcome back.

Here you see the house I build with the money I got from Uni.

I decided to paint.

Collecting money on my money tree.

Wow there is lots of money here.

I decide to buy new clothes and jewelry as well.

Then I called Linda to talk for awhile

I finally asked her to come and visit.

She said yes. Why she still wearing the gown.

I guess she didn't want the party to end.

I asked her if she would move in. She accepted.

We decide to get married that night.

Let say we wanted some adult fun.

Linda is pregant.

I guess I should quiet looking thru my telescope. I am also pregant. Males shouldn't get preagnt at all. It will an expreince for me. Painting again.

Linda decide to try the panio she is good at it.

Painting my self.

we love to talk to each babies.

I decide to watch the cooking channel

Linda decide to join me.

Linda sure loves this train track.

Collecting money again.

Linda loves collecting the money too

Talking about stuff.

Two pregant people painting.

We sure love to talk and feel our babies

I guess Linda wanted to meet the aliens.

I hope rollor skating I hope it good for my unborn child.

Ouch. No comment.

Linda wanted a garden. She sure loves getting into the dirt.

I will keep the trees happy. I will help Linda in the garden as well.

Here I am looking after one of the trees.

I decide to take a swim. It feels good.

Well I know how a female feels like when being pregant. I wonder how I will give birth.

Here is Linda after she came out of the pool.

I better head out. Getting tired and sore.

Nova Bratt.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chapter 1.3

Welcome Back to my Uni Years.

Whoops someone decide to take my camera. Ok I was being a brat here lol.

I finally had enought with this fighting. I decide to fight this guy.

I told where to go.

He deiced to attack me. It didn't work the way he wanted

He seems didn't like the word no.

I teach him a leasson again. I hope I wont get expelled for this fighting.

I need to space, so I decide to go jogging with my friends expect for the bully.

I decide to try jump rope. It is fun.

I am happy :D I have my own digs now. No more fighting.

I asked Timothy to move in. He accepted.

Between us we are afford the soccor net.

I love my new telescope. I wonder if the aliens gor tired of me yet.

Decide to try some yoga.

It is relaxes me.

I guess Timothy want a friend over.

I called Linda over for a bit.

I guess she loves to dance.

She loved me when I sang to her.

She wanted a slow dance after that song.

When I looked out side there was a penguin talking to my snowman.

Decide to have some hot choclate.

The penguin is still here wow.

A friend of Timothy want a game of chess. So I played with her.

I decied to stargaze again. Boy it is cold out here.

I guessed I stayed out too long.

Timothy had to use a hair dyer to thaw me out.

I am glad winter is done. Here is me rollor skating.

Whoops I guess I am not good at it yet. But it is fun.

Some one left me a genie lamp. I wished for money.

Timothy and I decide to paint.

Then we both headed out to rollor skate. Ouch I keep landing on my backside.

I am glad this fun thou. It keeps us in shape

I invited Linda over again. We both went jogging.

Yay Gradutaion. No More School and Teachers. When my kids are young adult they can stay here

Timothy painted this of me. My children will get one as well.

Until next time. In my own home.

Nova Bratt.